August 2024
Japan, once the dominant importer of thermal coal globally with imports exceeding 100Mt a year, is expected to see its import volume fall below this threshold for the first time since 2010. Despite this decline, AME expects Japan to remain the world’s third-largest importer of thermal coal, accounting for 15% of global demand in 2024.
In the first four months of the year, Japan’s thermal coal imports decreased by 8% on-year to 32Mt. Australia remains the largest supplier, providing 24.5Mt year-to-date. This reliance is not surprising given the close proximity and the high quality of Australian coal. Japan has consistently been a key importer of high-quality Australian thermal coal. Japan's thermal coal demand reached 119Mt in 2021 and has been declining by around 8% each year through to 2024. Japanese power utilities are known for their stringent coal quality requirements. They generally prefer to purchase high-calorific-value thermal coal, with sulphur and ash levels consistent with or below the Newcastle 6,300 kcal/kg GAR benchmark, as their power plants are designed around these specifications. Consequently, Hunter Valley’s thermal coal product is well suited to the Japanese market.